
Adventure awaits in Campgrounds as you grow a prosperous company with Addie as your partner. You will develop campsites in astonishing locations and choose the path your business follows. Do you seek fortune? Do you strive to be green? Or can you find a balance? Uncover secret campsites by piecing together scattered treasure maps. Follow the clues left behind by an ancient civilization and unearth a hidden artifact. Do you and Addie have what it takes to become the next Campground Developer of the Year?

  • Develop exciting campsites
  • Unlock secret levels
  • Become Campground Developer of the Year

Campgrounds screenshots.
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Campgrounds screenshot
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Campgrounds is free to download and play. After you download Campgrounds you have 1 trial hour to decide whether you like it or not. You can buy Campgrounds online right away, instantly and securely.

Start your own business developing astonishing eco-friendly campsites, uncover a hidden artifact, and become the Campground Developer of the Year!

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